P!NK started it all!!

I have to reblog this as it says so much that hammers home on the nails of my own existence. Thank you Horty I couldn’t agree with you more

It Is What It Is


~~January 28, 2014~~ 

Unless someone was hiding under a rock, every one knows that the 2014 Grammy Awards were celebrated this weekend – January 26, 2014. One of the many participants was the very well-known singer P!NK.

She, as many other celebrities and common folk, is very well know for supporting the cause of marriage equality. As she states above, the best day for many will be when no difference between gay and straight is acknowledged, when we no longer talk about gay or straight. Society in certain parts of the world seem to be making great advances in this cause. 

However, there will always be the “nay-sayers” and those who oppose equality and basic human rights for all who were created and come from the same “Source” .. some may call this “God“.


After a friend posted this picture on a Facebook Group page, an…

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