Counting Down to Top



Finally I have a date for chest reconstruction surgery. The glimmer at the end of this tunnel is now a bright light. Yes it is still a few months away but what is a few months – nothing after all this time, absolutely nothing.

Now I have to gear myself up for surgery. Not easy when I just want to bounce around like a kid who just got a new train set. Oh I got one of those too but not a Flying Scotsman yet – I can wait.

I know now is the time to really prepare myself physically and that means cutting out the smoking, or reducing it to bare minimum. I also have to get my mental and emotional health into peak, and that will be a challenge and some. PTSD has no respect for anything.

So I have the date and now my posts will be the preparation to Top date.

My thanks to all of you who have supported and got me this far.


Transhealth Needs Matter

Trans Swindon

Transhealth needs matter

Today I met with Sara from Swindon’s Healthwatch. Unsurprisingly there is little mention of transhealth needs in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and what mention there is in there is diabolical.

 So what is a JSNA?

A Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) looks at the current and future health and care needs of local populations to inform and guide the planning and commissioning (buying) of health, well-being and social care services within a local authority area.

Transhealth needs in Swindon come under Men’s Sexual Health – yes, the flaw in that alone is obvious. Not only is being transgender tucked into Men’s Sexual Health but that of gay and homosexual men.

Predominantly this is a report about the needs for cis-gender gay and bi men and tagged into it is one paragraph covering transgender people, all transgender people. Transgender people are given this paragraph.

“This group can self identify…

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Trans Swindon


Coming out as Transgender is emotionally, mentally and physically draining. In the preparation to come out we have faced our deepest fears. The announcement that we are Trans and are going to transition is often met with shock, and sadly rejection.

If coming out is met with rejection and aggression – there is a problem. Where does the Trans person go? Who can they turn to?

This is a crisis-point. Transgender people face many such points before, during and after transition. There is little or no support out there so to meet that gap the TransSwindon crisis support is being launched on 1 June.

At this time support consists of email via the contact facility and in the case of emergency a phone number. We have contacts that we can refer people to as their individual needs require. In the future we would like to see a safe space available…

View original post 55 more words


The Boy Poet

The Poets' Garret The Poets’ Garret

Joining the dots to make the whole
Evasions of truth taking their toll
Reborn a man, a stronger soul
Evolution of self
Mind and body taking control
Yes, a man as himself

©JG Farmer 2015

Form: Burns Stanza –

Prompt: Write a poem where each line starts with a letter from your first name (an Acrostic) Registered & Protected  0JUI-XFCS-ARMP-TGE9

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FtM Terminology




One of the most common questions I get asked is what all the terminology used by transguys means. So a quick A – Z as it were.


Binding is the process FtM use to flatten their chests to create a male-appearance.

Bottom or Lower Surgery

Gender reconstruction surgery.

Chest or Top Surgery

Chest reconstruction surgery is the most common surgical procedure sought by trans men. The aim of chest reconstruction is to create a male-contoured chest.


The bilateral mastectomy method of chest reconstruction surgery that is effective for those individuals who have a medium to large amount of breast tissue.

Female-to-Male Transsexual (FtM, F2M, Trans guy, Transman)

An individual who was born in a female body but whose gender identity is male and who actively seek hormonal and/or surgical therapies to live in society as men.

Gender Confirmation Surgery (GCS)

A positive term for the various surgical procedures for FtM including sex reassignment surgery (SRS), chest reconstruction surgery (CRS), genital reconstruction surgery (GRS), hysterectomy and oophorectomy.

Gender Dysphoria

A psychological term that refers to the state of discomfort and mental anguish felt by transsexual and transgender people resulting from the incongruity of their physical sex and their gender identity.

Gender Identity

An individual’s self-awareness of their gender being male, female or something in-between.

Gender Identity Disorder (GID)

A recognised psychological and medical condition where an individual has been assigned a birth-gender and identifies as belonging to another gender.


An individual whose gender identity is non-binary and identifies as neither male or female but as something in-between, beyond gender or some combination of genders.

Genital Reconstruction Surgery (GRS)

The process of constructing a phallus/penis from an individuals own donor tissue, also known as phalloplasty or phallo, or metoidioplasty where the clitoris from its connective tissue to present in a more phallic manner.

Hysterectomy (Hysto)

The surgical removal of the uterus.


A condition where an individual is born with either the genitalia or reproductive anatomy that is difficult to label as male or female.


One of the methods used for chest reconstruction that is effective for individuals with small amounts of breast tissue.

Metoidioplasty (Meta)

The surgical process of releasing the clitoris from its connective tissue so that it presents on the body in a more phallic manner. Scrotal implants may also be added.


The surgical removal of the ovaries.


Packing is the process for creating a more male-feeling or look to the crotch.


Being read as male by others.

Peri-areolar (Peri)

A method of chest reconstruction that is effective for individuals with small to medium amounts of breast tissue.

Phalloplasty (Phallo)

A surgical genital reconstruction method using the individual’s own donor tissue to create the phallus. Scrotal implants may or may not be added.

Real Life Experience (RLE)

The period of time a transsexual person is required to live full time in the role of the gender they identify as before the medical gender reassignment process can commence.

STP Device

A device that enables the user to stand to pee at a toilet or urinal.


After transition an individual may choose to be stealth and not reveal their transsexual status.

Testosterone (T)

Testosterone is an androgenic hormone that is responsible for producing masculine characteristics such as facial hair growth, deepening voice, body hair growth and muscle development.

Transgender (Trans)

The umbrella term for individuals whose gender expression and/or identity differs from the conventional expectations of their birth gender.


The process of changing from one gender to the other.


An individual whose gender identity does not match their birth gender,